When a display doesn’t have sufficient resolution (meaning there are more picture elements in the acquired image than pixels available on the display), you’ll need to manipulate the image in order to view it at full-size resolution, which is recommended in breast screening. By panning, zooming, and scaling, you’ll be able to view the image at the resolution at which it was acquired.
With a high-resolution (featuring 5 megapixels or more) display, you can fit more of the breast image on the display, requiring minimal panning and zooming and less windowing and leveling to get the best image for analysis. And the less you need to manipulate, the more screenings you can perform.
Presenting high-resolution images with minimal manipulation is also key to an ergonomic viewing experience. It helps avoid typical radiologist injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. For example, with Barco’s 12 megapixel Coronis Uniti® display, radiologists perform up to 4 fewer mouse clicks per screening. When you know that a typical radiologist reads about 40 studies per day, having more pixels at hand can substantially improve your reading comfort and productivity.
Read the full story about breast screening in the Why you need a 5MP display for mammography screening ebook and learn how to: